In fact, there are as many languages as there are people, the reason being that no two people have the same way of speaking. The proof of this is that we recognize someone by hearing his voice even in darkness. This difference is seen not only in the way of speaking, but also in pronunciation, vocabulary, even syntax. In literature this is studied under genre. Premchand's language is different from Prasad and Pant's is different from Nirala. Everyone uses Hindi, then why this difference? Those who are familiar with the works of these writers or poets, even after reading a few lines, they automatically say that this is the language of so and so. No one can be confused between the language of Premchand and Prasad. This is because their personality is behind that language. This influence of personality is found not only in the language of educated people but also in the language of uneducated people. Whatever is the personality of a person, his language gets molded in the same mould. |
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